
The Converter building block:

In general, it converts inputs into outputs.

Converter types

Three types of converters are available:

The default converter type is the standard converter.

Adding a converter

  1. In the Build toolbar, choose a converter type from the Converter dropdown menu. The converter tool icon will change to show the selected converter type.
  2. Click the converter tool. The cursor changes to a converter icon.
  3. Click in the Stella window to add the converter. The Properties panel for the selected converter appears.
  4. Enter a name for the converter.
  5. In the Properties panel, enter an equation and other properties.

    For more information about placing, naming, and editing converters, see Working with Building Blocks.

    Tip: To select the size of the converter icons for the entire model, or to display converter names only, use Diagram Options in the Style tab of the Model Preferences dialog box.

Concept Link IconSee Also